Parents and kids alike love the magic of Halloween. Tick-or-treating, costumes, candy, what could be better? As a parent, your child’s safety is a major concern during this holiday. Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car on Halloween as on any other day of the year! Follow these safety tips, and keep your babies safe while they’re trick-or-treating.

Costume Safety
- Ensure all costumes, wigs, and accessories are fire-resistant.
- If your child will be out after dark, fasten reflective tape on their costumes and bags.
- Remove all makeup before your child goes to bed to prevent skin and eye irritation
Trick-or-Treating Safety
- At least 1 responsible adult should accompany young children on the neighborhood rounds.
- If older children are going out alone, agree on a specific route and time to be home.
- Instruct children to never enter a strangers home, not to eat any candy until they have returned home, and to keep their electronic devices down and focus when walking.
Motorist Safety
- Watch for children on roadways, medians, and curbs.
- Enter and exit driveways slowly and carefully.
- Discourage new, inexperienced drivers not to drive on Halloween.
Halloween should be fun for everyone! Remain vigilant and safe while out and about. Enjoy your time with your children and remember, you’re never too old to dress up! Westford Insurance Agency hopes you and your loved ones have a spooky fun and safe Halloween!

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